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musi "jan pi ma Mancha"

(This is the first actual blogpost on this website, you can ignore the rest while they're still there.)

While I'm still procrastinating on setting up a language switch for the site, I've gone and translated the chorus from the popular theme of Don Quixote into Toki Pona.

Here it goes:

mi li mi, Ton Kijote!

I am I, Don Quixote!

lawa pi ma Mancha!

The Lord of La Mancha!

mi kute li tawa nasin...

My destiny calls and I go...

kon wawa pona mute

And the wild winds of fortune

ona tawa e mi

Shall carry me onward

tawa ma pi sona ala...

Oh, whithersoever they blow

tawa ma pi sona ala...

Whithersoever they blow

mi tawa li kama sewi!

Onward to glory I go!

If you've somehow reached this post without knowing what song am I talking about, consider giving a listen to either the original here, or the wonderful cover by Launchqueen over on her YouTube channel.

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